Texas State Association of Fire Fighters

who we are

Representing the Professional fire fighters who keep Texas safe

Established in 1938, The Texas State Association of Fire Fighters (TSAFF) is the only organization representing professional firefighters in Texas. We are an affiliate of the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF).

TSAFF members earn the benefits of having access to state and national fire service resources while their local associations maintain local autonomy in day-to-day operations.

From the fire ground to city halls and the state capitol, TSAFF advocates on public safety issues important to the citizens we serve and to firefighter families. For decades, we have led the way for advancement of the fire service in Texas.

Fire fighters
Years of service
TSAFF Leadership

Meet the Team Serving Texas FireFighters

Michael Glynn
John RIddle
Brandon Day
TSAFF In Action

What the TSAFF Does for Texas FireFighters

Since 1938, generations of TSAFF leaders have strived to leave our state association better than they found it. Through the years, our members have helped improve the fire service in Texas through political action, safety innovations, and workplace leadership.

We remain committed to provide cost-effective, leading-edge support of professional firefighters around the state.

Our Services

Legislative Action

Advancing pro-public safety, pro-firefighter legislation

Defeating potentially harmful legislation

Testifying for and against legislation

Engaging with elected officials and staff

Attendance of legislative hearings

Updating TSAFF leadership and members on legislative developments

Political Action

Building and maintaining the political action fund (TAFPAC) for the support of pro-firefighter incumbents and candidates

Endorsements of vetted incumbents and candidates

Support of local affiliates’ political action

Research and surveys for voter referendums

Service Proviced to Local Affiliates

Collective bargaining assistance

Statewide database of contracts and agreements

Assistance with grievances and disputes

Assistance with health and safety issues

Assistance with EMS-related issues

Emergency defense funds (EDF)

Assistance with affiliate operational issues

Training and Education

Service Training

Political Training Academy

Secretary-treasurer workshops

Workers’ compensation workshops

Communications workshops

Advanced communications workshops

New member guide

Communications Support

Strategic communications planning

Crisis management support

Political communications support

Labor-management communications support

Website – TSAFF.org

Social media outreach

Texas State Fire Fighters Emergency Relief and College Scholarship Fund

Emergency relief support for TSAFF members in U.S.- or Texas-declared disaster areas or in designated natural or man-made disasters

Annual scholarships provided to 10 college-bound firefighter-family students

Representation on State/Federal Organizations and Committees

IAFF Conferences and Conventions

Federation of State/Provincial Fire Fighters

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

Texas State AFL-CIO

Central labor body organizations

Statewide health and safety committees

Statewide EMS committees


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